Copyright 2012 Oasis of Hope | BRT. All right reserved.
Cancer Support
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2017, followed by colon cancer on a later date. I went through two surgeries in February and April 2018 to remove the affected areas and I was recovering well.
However, in Oct 2019, the doctor diagnosed that I had stage 4 liver cancer. He told me that most of my liver can no longer function and hurried me to decide if I want to do chemotherapy as it was a critical condition. He also informed me that I have to take the chemo medication for the rest of my life. Since I have no other option, I went ahead to do my first session of chemotherapy. I lost weight from 58kg to 52kg and later until 45kg. It was worrisome for me.
Then a friend recommended me to try Bioresonance Therapy (BRT) at Oasis of Hope. I started my first BRT treatment in October 2019 as I continued with the chemotherapy together with a targeted medication. After doing BRT for a few times, I felt I was better, so I sought my doctor’s approval to discontinue the chemotherapy. I had done 4 sessions of chemotherapy in total.
For the past 3 months, I have done 35 sessions of BRT treatment. My cancer marker reading has dropped from 3000 points to 400 points by end of November 2019. Subsequently, the readings dropped further to 200 points; next it went down to 88 points and the current 48 points. All my pain is gone, I don’t feel giddy or cold anymore, my stomach was well and most of all, I no longer feel breathlessness. My liver function is functioning normally.
I am feeling very well now and I will continue the BRT treatments to get even better. I am blessed to know about Bioresonance Therapy and very thankful to the therapist who has treated me.
I strongly recommend my relatives and friends to BRT Oasis of Hope."
"After going through Chemotherapy sessions, my immunity level is low and I would feel weak and fall sick easily.
After 8 to 10 sessions of BRT treatments, my immune system has been strengthened; my recovery rate has also increased to help to clear degenerated and cancerous cells to prevent cancer recurrence.
I feel stronger, healthier and happier, and I would definitely introduce this treatment to others as I could not find a more holistic treatment than BRT!"
"I have been experiencing discomfort in my womb since September 2010. After I have went for my check up, my PAP Smear Report stated that Ascus was found in my womb.
Before undergoing Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) and Ozone Hydrotherapy treatment, I always felt pain in my womb and always felt lethargic. My appetite became worse and I always feel bloated after eating.
After more than 10 sessions of BRT treatments and a few Ozone Hydrotherapy treatments, not only was the Ascus in my womb cleared, my appetite and blood circulation have also improved, and I no longer feel bloated after eating. I feel more energetic now!
I believe that BRT and Ozone Hydrotherapy treatments would be able to help others who have similar conditions and I would recommend that they come for treatments."
"My sister has an Optic Chiasmatic Hypothalamic Tumor since 18 months of age. She underwent Radiotherapy in year 2008 and received Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) treatments 1 year after the Radiotherapy. After which, a repetition of MRI scan was done and it showed that the tumor is stable in size.
Before receiving BRT treatments and Ozone Hydrotherapy sessions, Jia Ling used to constantly feel lethargic. BRT treatments had helped her to feel more energetic.
After undergoing many BRT treatments and Ozone Hydrotherapy sessions, Jia Ling is generally feeling better and will recommend other people with similar condition to undergo BRT treatments."
"I am diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer, and am suffering from menstrual pains and constipation since the age of 11. I had irregular menses – my period can last as long as 3 weeks, or only happens once in 3 months. On top of that, during the period of my menstruation, I was bedridden for 3 days with vomiting, constipation, severe pains and blot clots.
During my 2 years of treatments with BRT, my Gynecologist has detected pre-cursor cellular changes in my cervix, and these were cleared in the course of the 2 years when I was undergoing treatment at BRT centre.
Additionally, my general health and immune system is stronger; I am cancer-free and am more energetic to care for my active toddler. My period has also become regular for the first time since I had it when I was 11 years old. My digestive system functions with daily regularity, and I have been cleared of cervical cancer since my last operation in 2008.
I am grateful and amazed that a pain and symptom-free treatment can have such positive impact on the body’s immune system and capacity to fight cellular degeneration.
I would highly recommend BRT treatments to others with similar conditions.
Initially, doctors were doubtful as to whether I could carry a child to term after the surgery, and suggested that I should have a full Hysterectomy to remove ovaries and go on Hormone Therapy Replacement within 5 years of detecting the cervical cancer at stage 3 in 2007.
I want to thank God and thank BRT that I am able to have a beautiful 2 and a half years old son, and hopefully a sibling for my son soon."
"I was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) in October 2009 and went for Chemotherapy in November 2009. I received Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) treatment in December 2009 and went for Radiation in February 2010. Before receiving BRT treatment, I felt tired and weak, had slight hair loss, dry skin, burned skin during radiation, no appetite and problem with taste buds.
After receiving BRT treatment, the side effects from Chemotherapy decreased. I stopped going for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment when I started receiving Radiation treatments. Thereafter, I depended on BRT entirely.
Since then, my appetite improved, the recovery lapse is shorter and full recovery from side effects is fast. I had received 18 BRT treatments and I am in the state of remission. BRT treatment has enabled me to recover faster, and I have also stopped going for TCM treatments.
I believe that BRT will help patients with similar problems."
"I was diagnosed with early stage of Prostate Cancer in October 2010. At that time, a Doctor kept me under observation for 1 week and said I may need surgery. I was troubled as I felt that I am not suitable to undergo surgery due to my old age.
My friend introduced me to Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) Centre to seek help. It uses high technology equipment and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) concepts to improve my health. The Therapist also helped me to remove toxin and bad cell from my body and increase my body’s immunity.
After 15 sessions of treatments over 2 months, the hospital’s Doctor verified that my cancerous cells had disappeared. Hence, the review appointment was postponed to 5 months later.
At the same time, BRT has also helped to improve my Sinusitis condition which I had suffered from for more than 10 years. I used to need medication for it every 2 or 3 days, but I need it less often now.
I am on the road to recovery. I am fortunate that BRT is able to resolve my problems effectively."
"As a Christian, I believe God healed me through Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) which I had not heard of previously.
One of your patients introduced BRT treatment to me in May 2010 through my pastor. It was God's divine intervention that BRT was made known to me as an alternative treatment at the point of desperation I was in when the conventional medical treatments did not work for me.
God also sent someone to be my BRT Therapist, one of the best in your centre, who has been very meticulous and competent in his work and also possesses an amiable personality when dealing with his patients, despite the many challenges he faces with each patient.
I have given many testimonies to the congregation in my church and mentioned the benefits of BRT to many people because I want to see more people healed by our Heavenly Father through BRT, one of the avenues which He uses to heal!
Once again, appreciate your recognition and appointment! God bless you and your team in Oasis of Hope."
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer on February 2010 and underwent surgery. Since then, I have not undergone any Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy.
After receiving 22 sessions of Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) treatments, my cancer condition is stable. On April 2011, I received a good medical report that my Mammogram is cleared, abdominal scan is cleared and 1 small cyst in the liver region has also been cleared.
I feel more energized after the treatment at BRT. I have been recommending others to BRT. I believe that BRT will help patients with similar and other problems."
"I was diagnosed with stage 3 Lung Cancer in September 2009.
I went for Chemotherapy as recommended by the doctors. Not long after, the side effects of the Chemotherapy started kicking in - I had numbness in my feet, my legs were fatigued and weak, I suffered from rashes and could not sleep well.
Ever since I started receiving Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) and Ozone Hydrotherapy treatments in early February 2010, the side effects progressively started to clear up and my sleep has improved. After 17 sessions of BRT and Hydrotherapy, there was no more side effects.
I went for a CT scan on 24th of March 2010, and found that all my cancer cells had been cleared up. I feel a whole lot better and have received comments from my friends and family that I look better and brighter than before!
I believe that BRT and Ozone Hydrotherapy will help others facing similar challenges and would recommend anyone to take this step into better health!"
"I have been suffering from Lung Cancer for 4 years. I feel weak and experience side effects from chemotherapy.
Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) and Ozone Hydrotherapy have helped to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and reduce the degenerated cells in my body. I feel more energetic and my appetite had improved after 40 sessions of BRT and Ozone Hydrotherapy treatments.
I strongly recommend other patients who suffer from similar health issues as me to undergo BRT treatment."
"I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in year 2007.
I went for surgery and received 55 days of Radiotherapy treatment after surgery. The cancer had affected my lymph nodes and caused problem when I walk. Initially, I have a negative attitude towards alternative treatment. However, through recommendations and positive experiences from some friends, and the fact that I know the recurrence of cancer can be as high as 70%, I finally decided to give Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) a try.
I saw gradual improvements and most importantly, BRT gave me peace of mind. I feel that conventional medicine practices and alternative methods should complement each other to produce better results.
With my busy schedule, I will still make time for regular treatment at BRT and I strongly believe in the concept of Bioresonance."
"I was diagnosed with bladder cancer when I went for a scan at the hospital; shortly after, I went for surgery in June 2010.
I heard about Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) through my sister last year, and decided to undergo treatment at BRT as I suspected that the cancer may have spread to other areas.
The BRT treatments I have received complemented with the supplements I was consuming and a change in lifestyle and diet has resulted in great improvements in my health in less than 2 months.
I will continue to go to BRT Centre periodically to do treatment and have already recommended several family and friends to BRT for treatment."
"I am suffering from stage 3 colon cancer, which is terminal when I was 70 years old. The cancer cells have spread to 3 of my lymph nodes. My large intestines were surgically removed on August 2008. The affected part was horrendous measuring 18cm or 7 inch [my medical report is attached to the treatment notes at Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT) Centre]. I was informed by the hospital doctor that my survival rate is between 1-5 years. He strongly urged me to go for chemotherapy. After a series of pertinent questions from me, he answered the followings:
1. There is no guarantee of a permanent eradication of the cancer cells
2. There might be a relapse even after Chemotherapy
3. Chemotherapy kills the good and bad cells at the same time, and as such some patients might not make it, not necessarily due to cancer, but to other ailments, as their immune system is weakened.
4. Chemotherapy can only enhance my chances of recovery by 33%.
5. The cost of chemotherapy is not cheap, and for some of us, there might be some side effects, like nausea and other problems.
While I was pondering the above, my friend who had one of his cancerous kidney removed, advised me not to proceed with chemotherapy, but to opt for BRT, as he has made good recovery through this treatment. I consider myself very lucky indeed, because I got the right advice at that point of time. I was not aware that such alternative treatment is available.
Through BRT screening, they detected 10 spots within my body were infected with virus. My post surgery condition was pretty bad. Fatigue would leave me breathless even during a conversation. I am very grateful to my friend who gave me a timely recommendation to BRT. I lost 18 pounds during my post surgery ordeal. To date I have regained 14 pounds and I am confident and comfortable to say that I am in the pink of health.
To all those who have doubt about BRT, let me cite an example of my friend, who made good progress throughout this treatment. I have achieved the same result too. I take this opportunity to fervently hope you guys can translate my inspiration into a positive and confident mindset.
Before I conclude, I want to stress that cancer is not a “death sentence”, we have to take it within our strides as whether we progress or retrogress, it depends solely on our mindset. It starts from here. We can extend our life by:
1. Going for BRT treatment without delay
2. Having positive attitude, faith, hope and confidence. Never ever have negative thoughts for this is surely the fastest way to slide downhill. Once this trend occurs, no amount of treatment or medication will remedy it.
3. Complying with your diet, medication or supplement requirements
4. Praying to your religious denomination and you can attain the comfort and inner strength which we need. Every new day that we see a sunrise is a bonus, and we have to thank God for it.
5. Remember, live one day at a time."
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ADHD/Autism |
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Allergies |
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Bladder Problems |
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Cancer Support |
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Diabetes Support |
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Digestive Disorders |
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Headaches (Migraines) |
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Heart Problems |
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Insomnia |
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Kidney Disorders |
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Liver Disorders |
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Lungs Problems (Asthma) |
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Menstrual Problems |
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Pre & Post Operation |
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Prostate Problems |
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Quit Smoking |
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Sinusitis |
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Skin Problems (Eczema) |
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Thyroid Disorders |